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Product Updates

We are constantly adding datasets, refining outputs and rolling out new features for our user-friendly GraphQL API so you can build amazing things.

Welcome to the sandbox sandbar

A playground to validate whether our API is a fit now or in the future. No contract or token required.

The sandbar is a fully functional copy of our production API, including all updates. Sandbar is explicitly built for testing and validation, not production and the datasets are limited. Fancy caching, redundancy, and performance benefits are only available on our production API.

For a personalized 1:1 technical onboarding for the Sandbar, email our product team at with the subject "Sandbar API Onboarding."


Our Commitment

Continual Evolution

Our API is designed to scale. Over the coming weeks and months, we will expand our parameters to include US and EU trade regulations and broader fisheries data, helping you adapt and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of fisheries management.

Robust Documentation and Active Support

To facilitate easy adoption and integration.
