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MSC Fishery Certificates on the Goldfish API

TL;DR our new MSC fisheries function instantly checks the status and details of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries certificates.

2 new functions in 1 week? That’s right. We did that. We’ve been busy, heads down, working in the spreadsheet trenches so you can kick back and relax. Buried in this week's Global Fisheries API release, we easter-egged a super secret function that we're rolling out today. Officially welcoming the MSC fisheries function to the Goldfish API!

Why MSC Certification Matters

Before we get into the technicalities, let's break down why this matters and how it can help your company. Let's gooooo!!

MSC is the largest seafood ecolabel program in the world. Retailers worldwide require sourcing certified products when available, making it an important market differentiator.  To carry their ecolabel, certified fisheries and supply chain actors work together to bring certified seafood from harvest to consumer.  That means a lot of certificate data is moving rapidly through supply chains worldwide. Oh yea, that's a whole lotta data, bb.

Working with processors and distributors, we’ve seen that many companies require MSC fisheries certificate information (in addition to Chain of Custody certificate numbers) but don’t have the bandwidth to check every certificate on PO.  Shuffling unchecked data through supply chains is risky for both buyers and suppliers, but Goldfish can help.  You can use our API to instantly answer questions like:

  • Is this certificate active? 
  • What does it cover?
  • Does the coverage of this certificate match the product I was sent?
  • Is there an MSC-certified fishery for X species, gear type, and fishing area?

Graduating from periodic spot checks to 100% screening is a huge relief if you have concerns about conformance, reputational risk, or just want to expedite the manual research that comes with vetting new suppliers.

What Can You Do with the MSC Fisheries Function?

The MSC fisheries function allows you to query all certified, in assessment, or previously certified fisheries. There are ~2,400 MSC fisheries across all status types (active, In Transition to MSC, withdrawn, etc.). You can retrieve detailed information about an MSC fishery, including: 

  • Status
  • Certificate name
  • MSC fishery certificate number 
  • Certified Species (scientific name, FAO 3 alpha code, and English common name)
  • Certified gear (MSC listed gear type and corresponding FAO gear types)
  • Certified harvest areas (FAO major fishing areas)

You can query the API in 2 ways. 

  1. Search with the MSC fishery certificate code. 
  2. Search using a combination of species, gear type, and FAO harvest area.  

How It Works: Short & Sweet

Let's try this scenario out on the sandbar. Say you want to only check the status of an MSC fishery you typically source from. You already have its fishery information (like species, harvest area, gear type, fishery name, and certificate codes) in your records. Here’s how you can use the MSC fisheries function to verify this fishery:

query searchMSCFishery($input: MSCFisheryInputParam!) {
searchMSCFishery(input: $input) {

"input": {
"mscFisheryCertCode": "MSC-F-30024"

Example of how to write your MSC input query using an MSC fishery certificate code. You can test this exact example on the Sandbar.

The result below is crystal clear, this fishery is certified. The mscFisheryStatus provides one of the following responses: Certified; In Assessment; In-transition to MSC; Not certified; Suspended; Withdrawn.

"data": {
"searchMSCFishery": [
"mscFisheryStatus": "Certified"

An example of a quick and easy result from the MSC fishery query.

How It Works: Long & Detailed

Let’s try a second scenario on the sandbar. Your company is considering working with a new supplier, and you want to ensure they’re sourcing from an MSC-certified fishery. You don’t know any MSC fishery details like the certificate code or fishery name. However, you know the fishery operates in FAO Ocean Area 51 and catches St. Paul rock lobster (Jasus paulensis) using pots. Here’s how you can use the MSC fisheries function to verify this fishery:

query searchMSCFishery($input: MSCFisheryInputParam!) {
searchMSCFishery(input: $input) {

"input": {
"speciesScientific": "Jasus paulensis",
"harvestAreaFAO": "51",
"gearType": "pots"

Example of how to write your MSC input query using fishery parameters. You can test this exact example on the Sandbar.

In the API result, you can view the status and details of the MSC fishery. The fishery details contain all of the additional information relevant to that fishery, such as codes (you know we love them) and alternate formats, as well as the MSC fishery name and certificate codes that allow you to follow up with MSC or your soon-to-be suppliers. 

"data": {
"searchMSCFishery": [
"mscFisheryStatus": "Certified",
"mscFisheryDetails": {
"mscFisheryName": "Southern Indian Ocean Saint Paul Rock Lobster Fishery",
"mscFisheryCertCode": [
"species": {
"scientificName": [
"Jasus paulensis"
"speciesMSC": [
"St.paul rock lobster"
"alpha3Code": "JSP"
"gearType": [
"mscGear": "Traps - Pots",
"faoName": "Pots",
"faoAlpha": "FPO",
"faoISSCFG": "08.2"
"harvestArea": {
"harvestAreaFAO": [
"faoCode": "51",
"faoName": "Indian Ocean, Western"

Example of a result from the MSC Fishery Query that displays all of the fishery status and details. You can test this exact example on the Sandbar. 

Float On The Sandbar 

There's still a party on the Sandbar, and the MSC fisheries function just arrived. Head over to to test, play, and get some sand in your toes. Maybe we'll even play some beach volleyball, but tbh you'll probs lose.

The API documentation is updated here, and as the one who's responsible for writing it, you guys better freaking appreciate it!

But Is It Live? 

Yes, the new function is live for all current Goldfish users. Head to the playground and check it out.

TTFN, the Goldfish Product Team 

Do you have questions, or want some 1-on-1 time with our sales bros? Reach out to the boys at

Don’t know what an API is, but like our vibe? You might be perfect for our new Alpha tester program. Contact, and we’ll chat.

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