Goldfish Products

Trimming Variants, API/Data Update

Our intention with every product update is to create new value for organizations, whether that’s enabling people to get more out of existing technology investments or helping teams become a little bit more efficient, a little bit more profitable, and a lot happier with the outcomes of their work.

That’s why this week's release is special. Because THIS TIME IT’S PERSONAL. 

Regardless of how many Country, IUU, and RFMO vessel data sets we have amalgamated over the past year, Goldfish has consistently uncovered wild discrepancies between public data sources. Some errors are clerical, some are technical, and some we have really, really bad words for. These errors created boatloads of duplicate and contradictory data, which required far too much manual effort and Emily’s tears to resolve.

So, available on the API today, we’re happy to say goodbye darkness and hello to our new service that finds those pesky variants in our vessel data timeline. It weighs and normalizes public datasets to determine the “most correct” information, all while retaining their history from the flawed but precious public sources you know and love.

The benefit to you is no more duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate results for the same vessel: just one beautifully formatted result with all the related data from across the nine realms.

But wait, there's more! Not only do you get dramatically reduced complexity in your queries, we’ll be throwing in more countries and RFMOs FREE! That's right, through the magic of actually knowing what we’re doing, this update will allow us to integrate mo' data mo' fast or as it's released, like Slap Chop fast.

These changes not only spare companies from the jeopardy of being unprepared for an audit, but they also save you and your teams countless hours of misery manually fact-checking literally-all-of-the-spreadsheets.

Here's Emily with a demonstration:

Let's use this vessel as an EXAMPLE: Vessel IMO = 9890018

Before implementing variants

• Here, our IMO inquiry result shows two vessels

• Each vessel shows a different buildYear / buildCountry / buildLocation

• Each vessel also shows a different vesselLength and vesselTonnage

• Each vessel shows a different source; which one do you choose?

After implementing variants

• ☝️ All issues in b, c, and d (above) are resolved and merged into a single vessel output. This gives a clear and comprehensive picture of a vessel. 

Thanks, Em! ..Oh! What's this

According to the President of #teamlarry, *checks notes*, Larry;

“..accuracy doesn’t matter, no one checks.”

Well, that's sorta correct. Some data checks—whether from government, ecolabels or internal—will be selected at random but more and more trade data is being screened.

Increased scrutiny means more of your data is at risk of small problems that cause big headaches. The upside is that you can check 100% of your and your suppliers' data now with Goldfish. Today's variant update will dramatically reduce the 'garbage in, garbage out' grind your team (and ours) struggles with.

Larry’s point is really about frequency not accuracy, and accuracy does matter.

Let’s see your spreadsheet do that. 🫳🎤✌️

– Your Goldfish Product Team

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